Over the past two decades, the EDRC has made a notable contribution in providing access to information, statistics, independent analyzes and research; developing various evidence-based policy proposals, promoting development reforms; creating and providing research and analytical resources and capacities in governmental and non-governmental sectors.
Our publications and research results have always been available on our website and have been widely used by various stakeholders: students, young researchers, academic and professional institutions, experts, civil society organizations, development agencies and government structures.
The directions and forms of our activity are diverse. We design and develop our own projects or participate in other relevant initiatives and programs.
Our focus is on Armenia but also on partner and neighboring countries, covering a broad spectrum of development policies, ranging from national long term development strategies to sector policy programs. Below are the 6 thematic directions (the scope of research interests) of EDRC. Our programs and activities are aimed at them.
- Growth and private sector development,
- Human development, social rights and welfare,
- Good governance and institutional, structural development,
- Rural development and modernization of small towns,
- Energy efficiency and sustainable development,
- Regional cooperation and integration.
The main areas of our specialization:
We collect and analyze data, develop methodological frameworks and models, design and implement research, monitoring and evaluation programs, conduct capacity building measures and provide policy advice.
Tailored to the specific research objectives we apply quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. Throughout the years we successfully developed in-house capacities to design and conduct large scale statistical surveys – representative at different levels of populations.
We widely use also qualitative research methods, particularly, in-depth-interviews, KIIs, focus group discussions, multi-stakeholder consultations, crowdsourcing, etc.
Our main specializations are:
- Macroeconomic and social-economic analysis and modelling,
- Policy reviews and assessments,
- Budget analysis, public expenditure and program reviews, PFM reforms,
- Program monitoring and evaluations (M&E),
- Poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA),
- Data collection, processing, and data quality reviews (DQR),
- Statistical sample surveys,
- Participatory rapid appraisal methods,
- Trainings, capacity building and knowledge transfer activities.
As a result, the main outputs of the activities are the followings:
- statistical databases and data series,
- models and analytical tools,
- research and policy papers, analytical reports, articles and thematic periodicals,
- monitoring and evaluation frameworks, reporting systems,
- methodological and operational guidelines, training and capacity building materials, plans,
- audio & video products,
- consultancy, online, offline, on-job and distance trainings, mentoring,
- conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.